Dear friends,
During the first few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic in the US, I placed orders for extra hand sanitizers for my employees. I was shocked when I learned that there was none available.
I had to see for myself. I visited several stores and found that all hand sanitizers were gone from the shelves, and the store managers had no clue when a new shipment would arrive.
This was when I decided to repurpose my distillery to produce hand sanitizers. I wanted to do everything to help our community, our city, and our country to help meet the sudden shortage of hand sanitizers and meet the urgent need for this product that could save lives... to flatten the curve.
Within a week, my team obtained all the government approvals and shipped our first truckload of hand sanitizers. We followed the guidelines and recommendations from WHO (World Health Organization) for the optimum, fast-acting hand sanitizer in liquid form.
Since then, my team has introduced FDA approved gel hand sanitizers and FDA approved, EPA registered disinfecting wipes.
With our exclusive distribution partnership with MEXCOR International, we are dedicated to the help people worldwide to effectively safeguard themselves and to help you safeguard your people, your operations, your supply chains and all your mission critical resources.
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